The following was done in iTunes 12.3 on a Windows 7 system. Just follow the quick and easy steps to create a document of your list of songs within iTunes:
- Open iTunes
- Click ‘File’ and then ‘Print’
- You’ll be provided with 3 radio buttons. Select the ‘Song listing’ radio button and keep the Theme dropdown set to ‘Songs’. This will create a list of songs that includes the artist, album, and length of each song.
- Click ‘OK’ and then you will have a few options. One that I like to use in Windows is to print to the ‘Microsoft XPS Document Writer’ in the dropdown list (if available). This will create a .xps file of all songs wherever you decide to save the file. Some other options are to use a “print to PDF” printer like CutePDF Writer or doPDF.
- Click ‘OK’ at the Print window and then select an area to save your .xps (or .pdf) file to. After clicking ‘Save’, iTunes will create the file where you saved it to.
Now you can take the file that was created in the steps above, and easily save it to an external USB flash drive or to some type of offsite cloud storage provider.